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  1. Install badaso first. After that, you can install the module with the following command.

    composer require badaso/commerce-module
  2. Run the following command to easily setup the module.

    php artisan badaso-commerce:setup
    php artisan migrate
    composer dump-autoload
    php artisan db:seed --class="Database\Seeders\Badaso\Commerce\BadasoCommerceModuleSeeder"
  3. Add the plugins to your MIX_BADASO_PLUGINS to .env. If you have another plugins installed, include them using delimiter comma (,).

  4. Add the plugins menu to your MIX_BADASO_MENU to .env. If you have another menu, include them using delimiter comma (,).

  5. Fill the other variables in .env file.

    • COMMERCE_PRODUCTS_LIMIT_QUERY=10 Limit query browse on product, default is 10.
    • MIX_PAYMENT_MODULE=commerce-module Register the payment module.
  6. Fill the payment config in badaso-commerce.php. For example:

    • 'payments' => ['Uasoft\Badaso\Module\Commerce\BadasoCommerceModule']
  7. Your commerce module already installed and you can see the menu at the dashboard.

  8. Next you can install the theme for the frontpage, you can see the available theme here